Exploring Peace Meditations

Energy Meditation: Discover A Quiet Mind

March 15, 2024 Whitney R. Simpson Season 18 Episode 3
Energy Meditation: Discover A Quiet Mind
Exploring Peace Meditations
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Exploring Peace Meditations
Energy Meditation: Discover A Quiet Mind
Mar 15, 2024 Season 18 Episode 3
Whitney R. Simpson

Let's embark on a peaceful journey to quiet the mind and welcome God's healing touch throughout our very being. In this time of prayerful meditation, we'll explore the gift of God's healing energy, embrace stillness, and invite our Creator to infuse every cell of our being with peace, quiet, calm, and healing. Prepare to be guided through a sacred space of self-renewal, where God's peace and gratitude become your dear and quiet companions.

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Show Notes Transcript

Let's embark on a peaceful journey to quiet the mind and welcome God's healing touch throughout our very being. In this time of prayerful meditation, we'll explore the gift of God's healing energy, embrace stillness, and invite our Creator to infuse every cell of our being with peace, quiet, calm, and healing. Prepare to be guided through a sacred space of self-renewal, where God's peace and gratitude become your dear and quiet companions.

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Speaker 1:

Hi, this is Whitney and you're listening to Exploring Peace Meditations. Today's meditation is an invitation to quiet your mind, to be covered with God's healing touch and open to the energy of your Creator in your very own body. You may wish to lie down or remain seated for this meditation. Allow yourself to be in a comfortable and quiet space, allow your eyes to close, take a few breaths and settle into this moment. Allow your attention to be focused on your breath. Inhale fully through your nose, allowing your lungs to fill with fresh, revitalizing air. Exhale slowly and completely. Continue to breathe deeply and rhythmically, with emphasis on your exhale, letting out all the stale, the stagnant, the still, and receiving the fresh, the awakening breath. Imagine that with each breath you breathe, there is fresh, vital, wonderful, magnificent energy flowing through every cell of your being. With each breath you breathe, welcome God's peace, calm, quiet. The kind of energy we long for is God's energy, positive, flowing, beautiful, wonderful energy. Let us welcome God's energy now to fill us, to flow through us, to quiet and calm us. Envision a soft, beautiful light above you. It might feel like an angelic light or a sunshine or a beam of light. Whatever light you see, allow this light to represent God's healing light, pure, positive, vital life energy from your Creator. Notice what you see With each inhale. Welcome God's light from the top of your head to cover your entire being. Allow it to fill you with God's rejuvenating energy. Feel this energy covering you from the top of your head to the bottoms of your toes. God's energy and light is circulating within you, within your cells, within your breath. This energy is replenishing your mind, body and spirit. Embrace your creator's revitalizing force of positive, quiet, peaceful energy. Allow this energy to renew and refresh you. Begin to feel any tension melting away from your body as you soften your shoulders, your face, your neck. Welcome the soothing energy. Release any tension or tightness through your arms, chest and back. Welcome the peaceful energy. Release any tightness, tension or worries from your belly, hips and thighs. Welcome God's magnificent energy. Soften your legs and feet, letting go. Feel yourself covered by God's healing energy For the next few moments of quiet. Be held safely in God's care, covered in healing light from head to toe.

Speaker 1:

Now imagine yourself filled with God's energy In a serene, beautiful setting, perhaps a valley, a quiet forest, a calming meadow or a tranquil beach, as you see yourself here. Picture the surroundings in vivid detail the colors, the textures and the gentle sounds of creation around you. As you immerse yourself in this calming scene filled with God's energy, notice how your body feels, notice what thoughts arise in your mind. Rather than engaging with these thoughts, let's offer them to God In this peaceful, quiet place. Look up into the sky, see the clouds. Imagine your thoughts as clouds For the next few moments. Any thoughts that come to mind, simply offer them to the sky. See them taking the shape of a cloud and then ask God to help them float away.

Speaker 1:

Don't engage, acknowledge, welcome, receive and then let go. Give to God every thought that comes to mind in the shape of a cloud and ask God to help God's light, love and energy carry that cloud away. If it feels like you have a million clouds in your mind, give them to God. If just a few rise up, offer those to God. Let them float into the sky and be covered in God's healing light.

Speaker 1:

As you quiet your mind and hand your thoughts, your worries, your cares to your Creator in this moment, allow your awareness to travel back into that serene place. Feel yourself filled with God's healing light. Notice your mind it's likely a little more quiet than when we began. Give God, gratitude for peace, for healing, for energy, for quiet, sense, the spaciousness within you, within your body and your mind. Embrace this simple, quiet mind, quiet body, quiet moment with your Creator, loving God. Thank you for this time to quiet our minds and be filled and revitalized by your energy. May we return to this place, this opportunity to pause, to step away from the busyness of the world and be with you In our bodies, our minds and our spirits. We give thanks for a moment of peace and a covering of your healing touch upon us. In your holy name. We pray amen, feel gratitude for any spaciousness you found in your body, your mind. Consider returning to this meditation daily to welcome God's light, peace, love and quiet into your life.

Speaker 1:

I'm so glad you're on this journey with us. If you'd like to connect beyond the podcast, you can find us at exploringpeacecom slash community. This year, 2024, there will be a Good Friday live yoga and prayer session. I'd love for you to join us. You can find all the info there. You can find me at Whitney are Simpsoncom. Until next time, may God's peace be with you.