Exploring Peace Meditations

Yoga Nidra: Quiet the Body

March 01, 2024 Whitney R. Simpson Season 18 Episode 1

Embark on a serene voyage into the heart of Lent  in this special edition of Exploring Peace Meditations. Through the gentle practice of yoga-nidra, we journey together into a state of deep relaxation and spiritual focus, mirroring the quiet solitude of Jesus's time in the desert. As you settle into this meditative experience, you're encouraged to set an intention, whether it's to find a moment of peace amid a busy day or to invite restful sleep at night's embrace. Let this meditation be a sanctuary where you claim stillness and connect with the divine, preparing your heart for the Easter season ahead.

During this tranquil retreat, you'll be led through a sequence of relaxation that starts at your feet and washes over your entire being, inviting you into a sacred desert space where Jesus himself found solace. Visualize the harmonious blend of sun, sand, and spirit as you engage in intentional breathing and welcome God's healing light. With each calming breath count, release your earthly binds and rest solely in the presence of your Creator. This practice is not just a meditation but a loving embrace, wrapping you in God's warmth and the profound stillness that strength and peace are born from. Join us for this reflective session and let the peace of this sacred time infuse your being.

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Speaker 1:

Hi, this is Whitney and you're listening to Exploring Peace Meditations. We are in the season of Lent. On the Christian liturgical calendar, the season of Lent represents a period of 40 days of reflection and often fasting that leads us to the season of Easter. It begins on Ash Wednesday and concludes on Holy Saturday, just before Easter Sunday. This 40 day duration is symbolic and represents to us the 40 days that Jesus spent fasting in the desert. Jesus met God in the quiet. He got away from the distractions, he quieted his mind and his body, or at least I imagine he did, and he listened. So today let us do the same. Let us quiet our minds and our bodies with this practice of yoga-nedra.

Speaker 1:

If you have not already find a comfortable posture in which you are lying on your back, arms by your side, palms facing up, close your eyes and take a moment to set your own intention for this practice. This might be an afternoon practice in which you are seeking a quiet calm in the midst of your day. Maybe it is a practice before you go to sleep and you are seeking a quiet rest overnight. Take a moment to set your intention before God. What do you long for with this practice and this time of quiet. You might even say to yourself I am claiming the quiet, I receive the quiet. And in this quiet place, become aware of your body. Feel the support beneath you, allow your body to become heavy, bring in to the floor or the bed or the mat beneath you. Imagine yourself in a vast, serene and safe desert, make sure, golden sand, warm sun, a gentle breeze, and imagining Jesus finding solitude in the desert. See yourself now embracing the quiet around you.

Speaker 1:

Bring your awareness to your breath. Inhale deeply through your nose. Allow your chest and abdomen to expand. Exhale slowly through your mouth. Do that again. Inhale deeply through your nose and then exhale through your mouth. Allow your breath to begin to flow naturally, finding a rhythm that feels calming and soothing to you today. Allow your awareness to travel to the bottom of your feet. Soften and relax the soles of your feet, the toes, the ankles. From the bottom of your feet, traveling up your legs, feel the quiet relaxation spreading upon you, covering you. Soften your shins, calves, knees. Relax your thighs, hips, belly. Soften your heart, space, shoulders. Relax your arms, hands, fingers. Bring your awareness to your face. Soften your lips, tongue, cheeks, eyes, forehead. Relax your ears. Soften and relax your entire face. Soften and relax your entire body. Feel God's warmth and light shining upon you now, covering you in the quiet with healing light. Feel the warmth spread from the bottom of your toes to the top of your head.

Speaker 2:

Feel the warmth spread from the bottom of your toes to the top of your head. Feel the warmth spread from the bottom of your head to the top of your head.

Speaker 1:

Say to yourself in this quiet space, I am connected with my Creator. Say to yourself in this quiet space, I am covered in God's healing light. Say to yourself in this quiet space, I embrace the stillness within. Bring your awareness to your breath. Inhalation by counting from the number 10 to the number 1. Each inhalation and exhalation Inhaling 10. Exhaling, 10. Inhaling 9. Repeat this at your pace.

Speaker 2:

Inhalation by counting from the number 10 to the number 1. Inhalation by counting from the number 1 to the number 1. Inhalation by counting from the number 1 to the number 1. Inhalation by counting from the number 1 to the number 1. Inhalation by counting from the number 1 to the number 1. Inhalation by counting from the number 1 to the number 1.

Speaker 1:

Allow your breath to be natural and accounting to fall away. Yield to God's light covering you in the quiet and simply rest. Rest in God's presence, savoring the solitude, the quiet, the letting go, the release.

Speaker 2:

Rest in God's presence, savoring the solitude, the letting go, the release. Rest in God's presence, savoring the solitude, the letting go, the release. Rest in God's presence, savoring the solitude, the letting go, the release. Rest in God's presence, savoring the solitude, the letting go, the release.

Speaker 1:

Most Holy and Loving God, Thank you for the opportunity to be still with you, to quiet our hearts and our minds in this season, to come away, to be, to let go, to seek solace, silence and connection with you alone. May this quiet refresh us, Not only in this time but in this season to come. In your Holy Name we pray Amen. If you're returning to your day, wiggle your fingers and your toes and slowly press up to seat it. If you're drifting off to sleep, rest well. Remember you can always connect beyond the podcast at exploringpeacecom slash community. Find me at WhitneyRSimpsoncom. Until next time, may God's peace be with you.

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